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Many chefs consider themselves artists, and rightfully so. However, very few of the chefs on this list can actually say they hold a degree in art, but Michael Tusk is the exception. After graduating from Tulane University with a degree in Art History, Michael took his appreciation for the classics to a venue where it could be best-appreciated by all: the kitchen.
With a long of list of achievements under his belt, it’s no surprise that Michael has secured a place on this list. As the winner of the “Best Chef: Pacific” award by the James Beard Foundation in 2011, Michael has put his talents to great use with his San Francisco restaurant, Quince.
Quince has received two Michelin stars and four stars from the San Francisco Chronicle, and has long been considered one of the best dining destinations in San Francisco since its opening in 2003. And right next door is his more recent endeavor, Cotogna, which opened in 2010 to great acclaim and stellar reviews.
Michael’s willingness to inject new styles and flavors into traditional dishes ensure that his creations will never get old, and his desire for authenticity extends even to where he purchases his cooking equipment (Dino Bartolini in Florence, in case you were wondering).